

Everybody has a book in them! It is an old expression, that has been heard many times, but it is true. For everyone has a story to tell and over the years we have printed literally thousands of books. There is a wonderful feeling as you pick up a new book for the first time and open the pages and begin to read. Imagine that feeling when it is your own publication and you see your dream come true when you publish a book. Perhaps you have been thinking of writing a book for a while and have the subject and information in your head, but don’t know where or how to get your book printed. We can give you all the practical advice to turn your knowledge, your experience and your stories into a finished book. We can advise you about the best paper to use and all the different binding techniques that can be used. We will explain the best way to format your word processing file so that you do not incur extra costs for typesetting after you hand over the final version. Your book may require an ISBN number (International Standard Book Number), this is a 10 digit reference number printed on the back cover and the left hand page before the title page. An ISBN allows libraries and bookshops to catalogue and order your publication. It also facilitates researchers regarding the content and subject matter of your book. While there is no legal requirement to obtain an ISBN, it will help sell your book outside your locality and will give it a more professional image. If you have a story to tell, you should tell it, for a book is a great expression of you and a means of communicating with the world and leaving a wonderful legacy.
Don’t delay call us on (053) 92 35295 and Publish A Book… Tell Your Story.
